Thursday, August 13

yanie tag aku..

at 10:32 AM
Aku baru nak buat tag ko yanie..heheheh...
sr pon dah buat..kesimpulannya aku memang malas..
ni baru nak rajin sedikit...:D

rules & regulations:
1.DO NOT copy answers
2.tagged questions must be 100% same
3.tag people before doing the tag

person i tag

1. beyh Eika
2. shasha
3. Dibot
4. Diya
5. faiza
6. sr
7. paan (kalau ko terbaca)
8. yanie (tag ko balik, boleh ke?)
9. Aizat

how do you know 1?
We've been to the same university..KUSTEM/UMT...and she still my BFF until now..:D

what would you do if you never meet 2?
hahahah...maybe aku x join network 21..kan sha2?

what would you do if 3 & 4 dated?*
ops...aku bagitau kat JAWI..haram kot..kan?

would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
nope....of course

do you think 7 is attractive?
hahahah..paan jejaka idaman malaya kot...pergh!

tell me something about 9..
Alamak..aizat i really know u? aizat satu uni, budak kl suke main gitar sbb tiap kali ada battle of band kat umt..die wajib ada...heheheh..boleh la kan?

what's 1's favourite past time?
Eh, alah..makan la..sampai sekarang kot hobi die makan...:P

what language does 2 speaks?
The language is Malay and English..+ tamil sket2...:P

who is 3 going out with?
bf die la...ish2..kawen tahun depan ok!

how old is4?

when was the last time you talked to 5?*
bile ek? kawen anis ko datang tak faiz?

who is 6's favorite singer?

would you date 7?
No la...paan dah ada awek..:D

is 8 single?
hahahah...Azlan tu sape ek?

what's 9's last name?
razali kan? kalau salah jangan marah eh Aizat..:D

jangan malas ok..sila buat..paksaan dalam Islam neh..:D


y@ni3 on 1:18 PM said...

Haha..Buat pun...Thanks feera!Muahx u back!


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